New Outsertfolder GUK FA53/14-2 FL3-53 MV11/2 - Turn&Tab
Vochezer Druck invests in a new Outsert-folding-machine for Small-folded leaflets with glue or label closure.
This state of the art folding-machine combines a specially designed machine for the largest flat size possible (max. 530 x 1.020 mm) with 14 + 2 folding pockets and a Vijuk-double-knife-unit. The knife-unit can be operated with an optional glue-system including the Vijuk-licence for RTA-outsets up to 150 panels for Europe and the USA. The Outsertfolder is equipped with a print-inspection-system, a water-scoring-unit, a specially designed labeling-unit and a modified delivery-unit for very small folded leaflets.
All technical and inspection components will be audited and validated within the change-control-process, the new folding-machine will be used for the production of small folded leaflets starting from June 2023 on. This new state-of-the-art Outsertfolder is adding capacity and provides a maximum of flexibility in regards of customers needs when it comes to small folded leaflets.
Please contact us if you need more information.